Lucas Somoza Osterc


...Beautiful voice, attractive musical intuition, and noble expressiveness are characteristics of this young baritone...

- Guillermo A. Opitz

...The outstanding Lucas Somoza Osterc consistently delivered his role with balanced and expressive singing across a wide range of colors and dynamics. His pronunciation was clear, and his stage presence was elegant and suggestive, thus underscoring the simplified, yet by no means banal, development of Uberto's character....

- Tomaž Gržeta | SIGIC (G.Pergolesi, La serva padrona)


Lucas Somoza Osterc, born in Buenos Aires to Slovenian descent, grew up bilingual in Slovenian and Spanish.

He began studying singing at 15 under Victor Srugo and continued at the Teatro Colón. He also studied Lied and Oratorio with Guillermo Opitz. His operatic debut came in 2008 as Mercutio at the Teatro Avenida in Buenos Aires.

Since 2012, he has been residing in Slovenia, where he has performed with the Slovenian National Opera and participated in festivals such as the Dubrovnik Summer Festival and Rossini in Wildbad.

He recorded Estancia with the BBC Philharmonic and has a passion for art song, performing concerts across Europe and Argentina.

Copyright @ Klemen Brumec


- Information coming soon ...

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenija

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenija

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenija

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenija


"Er punktete nicht nur mit seinem beweglichen, facettenreichen und zugleich durchschlagskräftigem Bariton, sondern auch mit seinem quirligen schauspielerischen Talent."

- Manfred Langer |Rossini in Wildbad (Der Opernfreund)

"Lucas Somoza Osterc, with his velvety baritone and relaxed performance, charmingly portrayed Count Malcolm."

- Tomaž Gržeta | Sigledal (S. Sondheim, A little night music)

"Lucas Somoza Osterc reached a high level with his diction, phrasing, and acting enthusiasm. It was a pleasure both to listen to and watch him. He performed the entire cycle from memory, which contributed to a deeper immersion in his presentation."

- Tjaša Primc | SIGIC (F. Schubert, Die schöne Müllerin)

"Lucas Somoza Osterc turned his role into an interpretative tour de force and entertaining caricature, with his flexible and pitch-perfect voice."

- Maja Juvanc | SIGIC (A. Makovac, Deseti brat)

"Lucas Somoza Osterc is rich-voiced and a touch less histrionic than Luis Gaeta."

- Guy Rickards | (A. Ginastera »Estancia«)

…"und der vielversprechende Lucas Somoza Osterc in der kleinen Partie des Antonio erwähnt."

-Benjamin Künzel (G. Rossini, Il viaggio a Reims, Rossini in Wildbad.)




Copyright @ Darja Štravs Tisu

Giuseppe Verdi | La traviata

Role - Barone Douphol

4.12.2024 | 6.12.2024

SNG Opera in Balet Ljubljana

Copyright @ JRP STUDIO

Giovanni B. Pergolesi | La serva padrona

27.10.2023 | 8.03.2024

Center of culture Lojze Bratuž, Gorizia

Copyright @ Darja Štravs Tisu

Steven Sondheim | A little night music

14-16.9. 2023 | 03-04. 02. 2024

Linhart hall, Cankarjev dom - KD Radomlje

Copyright @ Nika Hölcl Praper



Hugo Wolf´s house, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia.

Copyright @ Valter Leban

Christmas concert | Cantabile Symphony Orchestra


Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana

Pescadores de perlas


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